Thought i had better update, as although been working most weekends have still done the odd good thing, first off is Elise's friend Zacharias 4th birthday party, elise has been at nursery with him since about 6 months, also there is her other good friend Zachary , not sure who the purple skinny fella is though.
These are her two best friends from nursery , next is her best friend from school Caitlin, i may be being biased but i think ourselves and caitlins parents may have to buy big sticks for random boy visits in a few years!

I may be able to retire earlier than i thought as we have a budding artist in the family, no not that sort as i'm semi retired now i'm old! This for those with a keen eye is none other than mummy! As seen through the eyes of Elise Adelaide Arnold Aged between 4 and 13 depending on sugar consumed

We went to carshalton park fireworks on saturday and then onto Pizza Express near elise's school in banstead, It was a first evening meal with no histrionics, and elise was very well behaved too!

I must just add that this ice cream was shared , it was all quite amicable once i had got my head round it!
Well thats it for this time hope all of you that know us are well, and even those that dont ( apart from the anti social gits letting off firworks at midnight up the road) Stay Well!