Well due to pressure from downstairs and down under, thought i would stop fiddling with my new laptop and post a few random words. scrotum is that random enough? Enough jollity for a few lines, i'll give you what you really want some photos of elise, who by the way is a veteran of 5 weeks at big school and is enjoying it very much......
First photo is elise outside her class, not sure about the weirdo in the window though.

This one is Elise's first morning, she is 4 honest guv.

Frank and Elise together, i think the playful young child is on the right, but i wouldn't swear to it!
A couple of photos from karrenes birthday at Mulligans in Cork Street, some of you may be shocked to hear i was sober, this was mainly due to the fact that they only do draught guiness, the barman actually laughed when i asked for a caffreys, heathen!

So one of us was sober, the other had to be carted up the stairs, i wont say anything else as i will get karrene embarrassed oops.

Finally for this post, its a guessing game , you have to spot which of these two is a monkey, and which is a stuffed furry toy!